After a few months of working on the design in the background, I’m ready to get the first prototype frame cut. Check below the break for images of the current design!
Continue readingAus3D MK2 Printer Development (Part 3)

Engineering and other random stuff
After a few months of working on the design in the background, I’m ready to get the first prototype frame cut. Check below the break for images of the current design!
Continue readingI thought I’d take the time today to talk about a few of the things I’m doing during development of the MK2 printer to address a few problems in the MK1, and how I’m trying to keep the design as flexible as possible.
Continue readingLast year I purchased an Oculus Rift DK2 – I’d like to say I bought it as a developer, but really I just wanted to play around with virtual reality stuff. I mean, who doesn’t? This year my final year project is centred around a “3D Viewing Platform”, or “tele-presence”
Continue readingI’ve been selling Prusa Mendel i3 kits on Aus3D for a while now. The kits I’ve been selling so far (which I’ll refer to as MK1 kits from here onwards), are fairly decent kits. I didn’t design them, they were designed and manufactured in China – I’ve been buying them
Continue readingLast year I designed a 3D-printable Arc reactor prop, controlled by an Adafruit Gemma microcontroller and using a NeoPixel Ring for illumination. I shared this on Thingiverse at the time – now I’m finally following up with the details.
Continue readingAs I’ve mentioned previously, I recently put together a Printrbot Simple Makers Kit 1405 for a weekend project. In my earlier post, I discussed designing and printing feet to fit the 1405 in order to stabilise it, without interfering with a mounted Raspberry Pi running OctoPi. Swapping to a Raspberry
Continue readingI recently put together a Printrbot Simple Makers Kit 1405 – what a great little printer! Assembly took less than two hours, and it was printing away soon after By default, it’s a pretty stable printer. However, I had an issue where the wiring underneath was lifting the printer up
Continue readingI’ve recently been working on a University project where I needed to develop software to run on Atmel’s STK-600 board – a dev board built around Atmel’s ATmega2560 microcontroller. The project is being built in Atmel Studio and is written in AVR-C++. So I could work on this project at
Continue readingAs discussed previously, I recently put together my first quadcopter. It used a 3D printed frame, which was easy to assemble and modify – but also a little too easy to break, I’ve found. So, I decided to do up a new design, and see if I could put together
Continue readingI’ve been printing a lot of stuff lately – and when I came across a 3D printed quadcopter design on Thingiverse, I had to give it a try.
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